25 October 2012

Welcome! An introduction.

When Game of Thrones was midway through its second season on HBO, I had the pleasure of overhearing friends and work colleagues (who had seen the show) discuss it with other friends and colleagues (who hadn’t seen the show). The general gist of each conversation was, “Omg, it’s such an amazing show! You have to watch it, it’s so good! But you *have* to be careful and pay close attention: there are so many characters and things going on! Omg it’s so good!!!1!!” The response always seemed to be, “Okay … well I’d like to see it, but it sounds confusing …”

Now, I completely agree with the first sentiment. It is an amazing show. I also understand the second; it can at times get confusing, especially if, like me, you’re used to normal brainless TV fodder. But I would hate people to miss out on such an entertaining, though epic, story by discouraging them to begin in the first place! So it was that day I decided – I royally decreed – that I would henceforth begin a new blog designed for just those people: people who want to know what all the fuss is about but could use a little guidance. Or maybe for those people who have seen it but got confused the first time around. Or even, mayhaps, for those who have seen it, enjoyed it, and want to go back for details they may have missed.

For someone new to the show, it’s easy to dismiss it as mere medieval fantasy, but in fact it stands out from any other fantasy story in that there aren’t that many fantastical elements in it. What I mean is that in many stories of a similar genre, you may find elves or magic or fairies galore, but in Game of Thrones, these elements are kept to a minimum. You could say that it’s basically historical fiction, with said elements peppered in for extra kick, like chili powder in your spaghetti. There is no “Oh no, I’m suddenly in a terrible situation and I’m doomed! No wait, I’ll just use my highly illogical superpower and with a snap of my fingers make everything hunky dory.” In Game of Thrones, the focus is instead on things like intriguing characters, complicated relationships, love and death, loyalty and betrayal, moral dilemmas, etc. Oh, and sex. Lots of sex. Some fantasy elements exist, but they’re used sparingly and therefore effectively, not for their own sakes or as mere plot devices.

However detailed the show may be, the books on which the show is based are even more so. What makes the story so engrossing are in fact the details, but if you’re a casual viewer like most people in the world, then let me do the heavy lifting. It will allow you to get caught up in the excitement and awesomeness without getting bogged down with the plethora of characters and plotlines threading in and out of the story. Watching it will indeed require you to get sucked in a little, but don’t worry, I’m here to help.

So here is a simple, straightforward, easy-to-read guide that I hope will help you understand and enjoy the TV show. For each episode I've made a brief recap of events (if you need it). Then watch each episode in your own time and read my comments afterward. (Keep in mind that as I post entries, each new one will show up first on the main page. So if you're starting from the beginning, you'll have to progress backwards to go in chronological order. Make sense? Okay good.) With my keen eye for detail, I will be able to provide not only guidance but insight into things you may have missed. On occasion I may offer little extra morsels or behind the scenes goss, because I know how much you like that. Once in a while I may throw in my own two cents, because hey, it’s my blog and I can, shut up. 

What I will not do is spoil anything for you within the show. I believe that for utmost enjoyment to occur, you should be able to watch it with no prior knowledge of any possible twists and turns, backstabbings and confessions, or what is commonly known as WTF moments. Of course, nowadays, avoiding some certain spoilers are nigh impossible, but I will not even mention them here. I will write the blog as if I am watching it with you, episode by episode, pointing out certain details or spurring sporadic speculation.

Most of my research comes directly from the books, but my brain is unfortunately no encyclopedia, and I do occasionally refer to other sources. So, credit where it’s due, I often go to the Thrones Wiki, and sometimes the Wiki for the show, sometimes to the HBO official website for the show. Much of my knowledge of the show would be limited without such abundant resources of information. You are welcome to peruse these sites yourself, if you want even more detail, but be advised that they may not (and probably will not) be as strict about spoilers as I will be. I will be careful not to include links to these sites, to avoid accidental spoilage.

I’ll also say here at the outset that this blog is not endorsed by the TV show, the book series, HBO, George R. R. Martin, or anyone really (donations accepted). It’s just me, a big fan of the show who has since delved into its world, wanting to share that enjoyment with others. So I hope you do.

(Scroll to the bottom of this page and click on "Newer Post" for the next entry.)

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